Saturday, December 13, 2014

Three (almost) Finished Paintings

The first two are finished. the last one needs about one more work session, maybe two. They are all 30" x 40". These paintings represent three months of painting. I am feeling pretty good about each one.

A Silkscreen Print

Making silkscreen prints is just so much fun.Everytime I make one, I want to abandon everything else I am doing to just make silkscreen prints. I made this cutie in honor of the noisy little squirrel who threw spruce cones at me, my family and dog all summer. He chittered and chattered at us all day everyday. It was never annoying, just funny.

I hope our squirrel comes back next summer.

A Tiny Woodcut

I made this tiny reduction woodcut alongside a much larger one with a similar subject and color scheme. My idea was to print them simultaneously using the same ink and running both through the press at the same time. I ended up putting the larger one on hold and finishing the little one because I needed the little prints for the end of semester print sale. I do plan to do this again--making two prints at the same time does not take much more time and results in two editions!