I often wish that I had fallen in love with a process that yielded quicker results, something minimalistic and quick. But I did not. I am completely hooked on making reduction woodcuts. Though time consuming, this process allows me to print many colors from a single block. The process provides a perfect mix of serious planning, concentrated carving and repetitive printing. Despite all the planning, there is always just the right amount of drama and the unexpected.
This morning was relatively drama free. I printed color number three of 9. I was able to come up with the color I was hoping for right away.
Below you can see the print with the first two colors (two shades of yellow) next to the inked up block. After printing the darker yellow I carved away all of the areas I want to stay dark yellow. After printing this orangey brown color on all 24 sheets of paper I will carve away all the areas I wish to remain orangey brown. This process will be repeated six more times with six different colors.
You cans see the corner of my jig next to the block. There are three raised metal circles (pins) that correspond to holes that have been punched along the top of all 24 sheets of paper. I always place the paper on those "pins" and set the block in the same place underneath to ensure that the block prints in the same place with each color...every time.
This is the best part...pulling the print off the block after running it through the press.
I am hoping to get the next color on there tomorrow.
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